
How to Face Fear with Courage

Often we think of courage as something big or a heroic deed you do to save the world. Following is the definition of courage from Merriam Webster: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and [...]

Reflections of Relationships

Your relationships and people in your life are trying to tell you something. Pay attention if you want satisfying relationships and peace of mind! Relationships are hard to understand, make, and to maintain. A lot [...]

4 Easy Steps to Beat Indecisiveness

Before we delve into the business of indecisiveness, I would like to shed some light on an existential anxiety called Fear of Freedom. Fear of freedom is also known as fear of responsibility. This existential [...]

Overcoming the Fear of death in 3 Easy Steps

Three Steps to Help You Overcome the Fear of Death Are you afraid of death? To be honest, who isn’t scared of death at times? The fact is that death is inevitable. We cannot escape [...]

A Triumph of Fear Over Love

America woke up to a different reality today. It certainly is very disappointing and frustrating for me to see what America chose to go with. I am not here to judge Trump and his supporters, [...]

Happy World Mental Health Day!!!

October 10th is World Mental Health Awareness Day. The World Federation of Mental Health initiated this celebration in 1992. The purpose of celebrating this day is to spread global mental health education, awareness, and [...]

Why am I not a Superman?

In an earlier blog posting, I wrote about the upside of being a perfectionist. I shared how a perfectionist can use his perfectionist tendencies to move towards higher levels of consciousness. But as he strives [...]

The Upside of Being a Perfectionist

Perfectionism is more prevalent today than we think; its definition is frequently misunderstood. Ironically, people who are perfectionists often resist the idea that they are, in fact, perfectionists. Instead they argue that, not only are [...]

4 Easy Steps to Mental Wellness

Last week, we talked about the importance of a good mental health. Today we will look at some general coping skills you can adopt to maintain a good mental health. Be thankful! Practicing gratitude might [...]

3-Step System to Getting Unstuck

“You are free and that is why you are lost.” Franz Kafka Do you feel lost or stuck in your life? I have…many times and I have a 3-step system to getting you unstuck. You [...]

Mental Unhealth

Mental Unhealth: What Does it Look Like? Let’s first get to the facts by National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI): Approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U.S.—43.8 million, or 18.5%—experiences mental illness in a [...]

Spirituality: Science or Religion?

We’ve all been in a predicament where we don’t agree with the traditions or beliefs passed down to us from our upbringing. The unrest and heartache it causes can affect our well-being.  Sometimes, we only [...]

Perfectionism Procrastination Fears

How often have you procrastinated to make a decision? Do you know why you waited until the last moment to decide? A client of mine, one with perfectionist tendencies, was feeling increasingly anxious from picking [...]

From Overwhelmness to Peace

Do you ever feel like you are about to lose it if one more thing is added to your to-do list? I like my to-do list, but it can produce a lot of anxiety and [...]

Stop the Blame Game

Stop the Blame Game When you are hurt, it is tempting to place blame on others to make yourself feel better.  However, blaming things outside of yourself takes away your power.  Instead of helping us [...]

Self-Love through Appreciation

Self-Love through Appreciation: 3 Easy Steps You Can Take Today Sometimes we get so caught up in the world around us that we forget to pay attention to the vast world inside of us, the [...]

Paradigm Shift

Paradigm Shift: Changing your lens Changing your thought patterns and beliefs is at the center of growth and development. However, change is difficult. One of the biggest exercises I teach my clients is to change [...]