
Healing Self-Hatred: Transform Self-Loathing Into Self-Compassion

It can be difficult to see your worth when you are hard on yourself. Self-loathing is when you believe that you are not good enough or will never be able to accomplish your goals. Healing self-hatred is necessary to live a healthy and happy life. It is challenging to break away from these stubborn self-destructive [...]

By |2025-02-10T13:15:24-05:00August 3rd, 2022|Gifted|Comments Off on Healing Self-Hatred: Transform Self-Loathing Into Self-Compassion

What Role Does Counseling Play In Building Your Self-Confidence?

The DalaiLama once said, 'Withrealization of one's potential and self-confidence in one's ability, one can build a better world.'And that is the power of self-confidence. There are times in life when we feel that we cannot do a certain task or achieve a certain goal because it is beyond our abilities, and this is when [...]

By |2025-02-10T13:15:24-05:00July 12th, 2022|Gifted|Comments Off on What Role Does Counseling Play In Building Your Self-Confidence?

How To Use Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Techniques In Daily Life?

Intro Practicing mindfulness has been a hot topic recently, and many people have opinions on this topic. In fact, 40% of Americans meditate weekly, 8% meditate once or twice a month, and 4% do it several times a year. Practicing mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) techniques can reduce everyday stress significantly. MBSR reduces anxiety and depression.  [...]

By |2022-07-22T15:02:08-04:00July 7th, 2022|Gifted|Comments Off on How To Use Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Techniques In Daily Life?

How To Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude can have many benefits, ranging from improving your mental health to deepening relationships. Gratitude is linked with numerous positive health benefits, but do you know how to practice gratitude that gives you all those benefits? Let's look at it together. The Benefits of Gratitude Let's first review some of the main benefits you [...]

By |2025-02-10T13:15:24-05:00June 22nd, 2022|Gifted|Comments Off on How To Practice Gratitude

What Is Shadow Therapy, And How Can It Benefit You?

The personal shadow develops in everyone from childhood. It encompasses thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that we do not accept. The reason is because they are incompatible with the social norms and the "should be" of the imposed ideal personality. We banish qualities that do not fit our ideal image. The ego, and the shadow are [...]

By |2025-02-10T13:15:24-05:00June 3rd, 2022|Gifted|Comments Off on What Is Shadow Therapy, And How Can It Benefit You?

Building Daily Routine For Optimal Mental Health

Building daily routine is a pillar of good health. It's no secret that our mental health can have a big impact on our overall well-being. When we're feeling good mentally, we're more likely to be productive, happy, and healthy. However, when our mental health is suffering, it can be hard to function in everyday life. [...]

By |2022-05-19T10:20:38-04:00May 19th, 2022|Gifted|Comments Off on Building Daily Routine For Optimal Mental Health

The 5 Stages of Burnout

Intro If you constantly feel emotionally and physically exhausted and have had no time to recoup, you may be suffering from burnout. Do you know the 5 stages of burnout? As many people experience, burnout is a condition that affects both our physical and mental well-being. It typically occurs over the course of several stages, [...]

By |2025-02-10T13:15:24-05:00May 12th, 2022|Gifted|Comments Off on The 5 Stages of Burnout

Stress Effects On Your Body

Stress is an inevitable part of life; however, the effects of stress on physical and mental health are enormous. Stress affects every area of your life. Digestive problems, the immune system, reproductive systems, sleep, brain, heart, emotional irregularities, dysfunction, breathing problems, anxiety, and depression are to name a few of the long list of things [...]

By |2022-07-22T15:08:05-04:00January 24th, 2022|Gifted|Comments Off on Stress Effects On Your Body

Money Makes You Happy – is a Myth

Money makes you happy - is a myth. In my initial paperwork for counseling and coaching new clients, almost 80% of the people list the following as one of their goals: “I just want to be happy.” I then help them define happiness, break it down what it looks like for them, what it [...]

By |2022-06-28T13:54:24-04:00July 28th, 2021|Gifted|Comments Off on Money Makes You Happy – is a Myth

How to break toxic emotional patterns

Intro Do you often wonder why the same things keep happening to you over and over and over again? That’s because toxic emotional patterns keep you from being emotionally resilient.  An example may be that you started dating a new person, and after a certain point, the same stuff keeps coming up that ended [...]

By |2022-07-12T02:29:10-04:00July 21st, 2021|Gifted|Comments Off on How to break toxic emotional patterns

8 Signs of Unhealthy Pride

Intro How can being prideful hurt you and your emotional resiliency? Unhealthy pride can. It can also keep you away from your goal of living each day to the fullest. This can be a sensitive topic and I will try my best to point out unhealthy pride that can get in the way of [...]

By |2025-02-10T13:15:24-05:00June 30th, 2021|Gifted|Comments Off on 8 Signs of Unhealthy Pride

7 C’s of Emotional Resiliency

Intro Emotional resiliency takes time and effort. You just don’t wake up emotionally resilient one day. It is a skill that is mindfully acquired and practiced often so you can get good at it. But how does one build emotional resiliency? Being emotionally resilient is about your ability to bounce back from a crisis [...]

By |2022-07-22T14:33:19-04:00June 23rd, 2021|Gifted|Comments Off on 7 C’s of Emotional Resiliency

Conquering Overthinking, Self-Criticism, And Negative Self-talk in 4 easy steps

Intro In this article, we are focusing on pivoting and building emotional resiliency. Being able to emotionally pivot from difficult situations plays a very important role in a happy and fulfilling life. Things that get in the way include overthinking about an issue, self-criticism, or negative self-talk. These are all different forms of being [...]

By |2022-07-22T12:04:06-04:00June 17th, 2021|Gifted|Comments Off on Conquering Overthinking, Self-Criticism, And Negative Self-talk in 4 easy steps

How to work with repressed emotions for pivoting

Intro When we talk about becoming emotionally resilient, repressed emotions are an uninvited guest. This article will outline the repressed emotions that hinder your ability to pivot. We all have repressed emotions that we all unconsciously avoid. This is because certain emotions in our brain are wired to protect us from those memories for [...]

By |2022-07-22T13:09:38-04:00June 10th, 2021|Gifted|Comments Off on How to work with repressed emotions for pivoting

Attitude of Gratitude

Intro In this post, we will be outlining the attitude of gratitude. Most people ask me, why even bother being grateful? Well, incorporating gratitude or having gratitude as a daily practice for your self-care has many positive attributes. Research shows a big return on investment if you keep an attitude of gratitude. Being grateful [...]

By |2022-07-22T13:58:06-04:00May 20th, 2021|Gifted|Comments Off on Attitude of Gratitude

3 easy steps you can take today to ease that mom guilt in your self-care journey

Intro Mom guilt can be crippling and dangerous to a mother’s well-being. Not many of us know how to deal with mom guilt. And what is mom guilt anyway. The truth is that only a healthy mom can fully be present for her child.  This article will outline the three easy steps you can [...]

By |2022-07-22T14:42:44-04:00May 3rd, 2021|Gifted|Comments Off on 3 easy steps you can take today to ease that mom guilt in your self-care journey

Why aren’t people taking you seriously? Does it indicate low self-esteem?

Intro Why aren’t people taking me seriously? This is a question that comes up in my practice quite a lot. It is related to your low self-esteem. Let's unfold it. This article will outline six common reasons people may not take you seriously. They include:  Not following through with your promises  Low self-esteem or [...]

By |2022-07-22T14:21:52-04:00April 26th, 2021|Gifted|Comments Off on Why aren’t people taking you seriously? Does it indicate low self-esteem?

Benefits of Being in the Now

I would admit that being in the now can be hard and it takes practice. It is much easier to keep yourself busy so things that bother you or are hard to face do not appear at the surface because it hurts. Fight or flight is our natural response when we get uncomfortable or see [...]

By |2022-07-22T15:09:31-04:00August 7th, 2018|Gifted|Comments Off on Benefits of Being in the Now

Can lack of self-love hurt your self-worth?

Do you condemn, blame, or neglect yourself? Self-love is the key that can unlock all that for you. Here is what William Shakespeare would say:, “Self-love, mu liege, is not so vile a sin, as self-neglecting.” In today’s society, high expectations at work, home, and in relationships leave no room for an individual to be [...]

By |2022-07-22T15:17:13-04:00July 2nd, 2018|Gifted|Comments Off on Can lack of self-love hurt your self-worth?

Search for Truth – Coping with Existential Depression

Before we begin exploring coping strategies for existential depression, please read my previous post here on what existential depression is if you’re not familiar with it. Strategies for Coping with Existential Depression Embrace the Pain Let’s just tackle the most difficult part of living with existential depression: the pain of existence. You cannot take a painkiller for [...]

By |2018-07-19T07:59:14-04:00June 19th, 2018|Gifted|Comments Off on Search for Truth – Coping with Existential Depression
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